Pet Disaster Plan: Disaster Preparedness With NAPPS

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

NAPPS is a trusted organization by pet owners. Recognizing the importance of including our pets in our disaster preparedness, the organization has made this pet disaster plan that also includes tips on evacuating with your pets.

The details..

"Disaster Preparedness Guide for Pet Owners" is an essential resource that provides detailed guidance on how to protect your pets during emergencies. The book offers practical advice on preparing your home and family members before the onset of any natural calamity such as hurricanes, floods or wildfires. This guide also helps you create an emergency plan that takes into account all aspects related to caring for your furry friends when faced with unexpected situations.

This book contains valuable tips on building a phone tree system so everyone can stay connected during times of crisis. Additionally, it covers ways to make sure each member knows what they need to do if separated from one another or forced out of their homes due to dangerous conditions outside.

One unique feature this book has is its Emergency Pet Cards which are wallet-sized cards containing critical information about your pet's needs including emergency contacts and support requirements. These cards can be easily filled out by cutting them from the flier provided in the book itself making it easy-to-use even under stressful circumstances.

Overall "Disaster Preparedness Guide for Pet Owners" serves as both a quick reference tool as well as an in-depth manual covering everything you need know about protecting yourself and those closest around you - especially our beloved animal companions- during difficult times.

Resource Info

Page count: 2
Size: 217kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills